UA02BT/JJK-1-084 SR 三輪 霞

Game Academia


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Card Number: UA02BT/JJK-1-084 Card Name: Miwa Kasumi
Requred Energy: 4
Generated Energy: 1
Action Point: 2
Card Type: Character
Traits: Kyoto School
BP: 2000

[2 Times Attack] 

This chara must block your opponent's attack if possible

(When Played) Choose up to 1 chara in your opponent's Front L, it gets -1000BP for each other chara in the same line as this chara with [Traits: Kyoto School] during this turn

(When Blocking) Choose 1 of your opponent's attacking chara, it gets -1000BP for each other chara in the same as this chara with [Traits: Kyoto School] during this turn

Trigger [GET] Add this card to hand