UA01BT/CGH-1-077 R C.C.
Card Number: | UA01BT/CGH-1-077 | Card Name: | C.C. |
Requred Energy: | 4 |
Generated Energy: | 1 |
Action Point: | 2 |
Card Type: | Character |
Traits: | Ashford Academy | BP: | 4000+ |
Effects | This chara gains all of the following effects depending on the number of cards with [Traits: Pizza] in your outside area - 2 or more: Play this card in Active - 4 or more: [Impact 1] - 6 or more: (During Your Turn) This chara gets +1000BP and gains [2 Times Attack] (After this chara attacked for the first time this turn, put it to Active) |
Trigger | [GET] Add this card to hand |