DCG-EX8-023 U LV5 ポーラーベアモン
Game Academia
CARD S/N: | EX8-023 |
CARD NAME: | PolarBearmon |
CARD TYPE: | Ice-Snow / Liberator | STAGE: | Perfect |
PLAY COST: | 7 | ATTRIBUTE: | Vaccine |
EVO COST: | 4 |
DP: | 7000 |
Booster - Chain of Liberation EX-08 |
([Evolve] Lv.4 with [Ice-Snow] in traits: Cost 3) <Ice Clad> [When Played] [When Evolving] Choose and discard 2 evolution sources of your opponent's Digimon. Then, 1 of your opponent's Digimon without evolution sources cannot be Rested, and its [When Evolving] effects do not activate, until the end of your opponent's turn |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | [Your Turn] While your opponent has no Digimon with evolution sources in play, this [Ice-Snow] traits Digimon gains <Piercing> and <S Attack +1> |