DCG-EX8-012 C LV4 グラウモンX抗体
Game Academia
CARD S/N: | EX8-012 |
CARD NAME: | Growlmon X Antibody |
CARD TYPE: | Demon Dragon / X Antibody | STAGE: | Adult |
PLAY COST: | 6 | ATTRIBUTE: | Virus |
EVO COST: | 3 |
DP: | 6000 |
Booster - Chain of Liberation EX-08 |
([Evolve] [Growlmon]: Cost 0) [When Evolving] <Draw 1>, and discard 1 card from your hand. Then, if [Growlmon]/[X Antibody] is in this Digimon's evolution sources, this Digimon gains the effect "[When Destroyed] You can play 1 card with name containing [Guilmon] from your trash without paying its cost." until the end of your opponent's turn |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | [Your Turn] (once per turn) When your opponent's Digimon are destroyed, Memory +1 |