DCG-EX5-061 R LV5 ケルベロモンX抗体
Game Academia
CARD S/N: | EX5-061 | CARD NAME: | Cerberusmon X Antibody |
CARD TYPE: | Demon Beast / X Antibody |
STAGE: | Perfect |
PLAY COST: | 8 |
ATTRIBUTE: | Vaccine |
EVO COST: | 3 |
DP: | 7000 |
OBTAINABLE FROM: | Booster - Animal Colosseum EX-5 |
[[Evolve] Lv.5 with name containing [Cerberusmon] without [X Antibody] in traits: Cost 0] [When Played] You can play 1 Purple Lv.3 Digimon card from your trash without paying its cost [When Evolving] Draw 1. Then, discard 1 card from your hand. If a Digimon card with name containing [Cerberusmon] or if [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's evolution sources, activate this Digimon's [When Played] effect |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | [When Attacking] (once per turn) By destroying 1 of your other Digimon, put this Digimon to Active |