DCG-BT20-052 U LV5 オブリビモン
CARD S/N: | BT20-052 |
CARD NAME: | Oblivimon |
CARD TYPE: | Cyborg / Liberator | STAGE: | Perfect |
PLAY COST: | 7 |
ATTRIBUTE: | Virus |
EVO COST: | 4 |
DP: | 7000 |
Booster - OVER THE X BT-20 |
([Evolve] Lv.4 with [Cyborg]/[Machine] in traits: Cost 3) (Security) [End of Opponent's Turn] Play this card without paying its cost [When Evolving] Put 1 of your opponent's topmost face-down Security to face-up [Your Turn] When your Digimon checks a face-up Security, you can place the top 1 card of this Digimon stack at the bottom of your Security face-up |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | [Your Turn] This Digimon's attack target cannot be changed |