DCG-BT18-079 R LV4 ベルグモン
CARD S/N: | BT18-079 |
CARD NAME: | Velgrmon |
CARD TYPE: | Giant Bird |
STAGE: | Hybrid |
PLAY COST: | 7 |
ATTRIBUTE: | Variable |
EVO COST: | 4 from Lv.3/Tamer |
DP: | 7000 |
Booster - Element Successor BT-18 |
([Evolve] [Kimura Koichi]: Cost 3 / [Duskmon]: Cost 1) [When Played] [When Evolving] For each color your opponent's Digimon/Tamers have, discard 1 card from the top of both players' deck. Then, for each card discarded by this effect, this Digimon gets +1000DP until the end of turn [End of Attack] By destroying 1 Purple Lv.4 or lower Digimon, destroy all of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest Lv. |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | <Retaliation> |