BS52-CP04 CP Evil Shield of Life, Sephira Syngarter

Game Academia


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Evil Shield of Life, Sephira Syngarter

Family: Saga/Soul Armament/Galaxian

[Brave Condition: Cost 5 or higher]
[When Braved with Spirit](When this Spirit Attacks)
By heavy exhausting 1 opposing Spirit/Ultimate, add 1 core from the Void to your GranWalker Nexus.
(Heavy exhausted cards are inverted and become exhausted when refreshed once).

[Brave Condition:Green & GranWalker Nexus]
[When Braved with Nexus][GranField](During your Attack Step)
{When this Nexus has 5 or more cores} When your Spirit(s) from the family: [Galaxian]/[Imp]/[GranWalker] attacks, cores on Spirit(s)/Ultimate(s) cannot be removed.

Translations provided by World Of Cards.