Exodus TCG - How to Play
- CARD NAME: The name of Creature / Spell.
- CARD RARITY: Displays the rarity of the card. 1 Star = Common, 2 Stars = Uncommon, 3 Stars = Rare.
- CARD TYPE: There are 3 Card Types: Energy, Creature and Symmetry which are explained below.
- EDITION: Card Editions are displayed here. There are currently 4 Editions: First Edition, Second Edition, Unlimited Edition and Promo Edition. Some cards may only be available in certain Editions.
- ILLUSTRATION: The full art or illustration appears here with a Text Box at the bottom for Symmetry Cards or Creature Abilitiy Text.
- COPYRIGHT: The card's copyright information is listed in fine print.
- ARTIST CREDIT: The name of the Artist who Illustrated the card is shown here.
- Each Energy Card indicates 1 Point of Energy regardless of Rarity.
- Energy Cards determine the points of damage dealt to Creatures or Players.
- Energy Cards are also used to pay Energy.
- Creatures are used to attack your Opponents and defend you at the same time.
- Common and Uncommon Creatures do not have abilities and are relied upon for their Creature Type(s) and / or Rarity to support your Deck Build.
- Rare Creatures are always in Foil and have Abilities.
- Symmetry Cards are Spells that can be cast at any point of time during the game, at any Phase and at any Player's turn.
- Symmetry Cards trigger instantly the moment they are played.
- Casting Symmetry is free unless mentioned in the card text.
- Energy Deck must contain a minimum of 20 Energy Cards.
- Main Deck must contain a minimum of 20 Creature and / or Symmetry Cards.
- Main Deck can only have 2 cards of the same Name.
- You may exceed more than 20 cards a deck.
Each Player starts the game with 10 Life Points. The objective of the game is to reduce your opponent's Life Points to 0.
There are 5 phases in Exodus TCG:
- Present your Main Deck and place it face-down on the field.
- Present your Energy Deck and place it face-up on the field beside your Main Deck
- Each Player draws 3 cards from their Main Deck and 3 cards from their Energy Deck.
- Both players begin by playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. The winner of Rock-Paper-Scissors goes first.
- All players will skip their Draw Phase on their First Turn.
- Skip this phase if this is your First Turn.
- Draw 3 cards from your Main Deck and 3 cards from your Energy Deck.
- Card Draw cannot be interrupted by Symmetry Cards. If your opponent casts a Symmetry during your draw, the Symmetry resolves after you finish your Draw.
- Energy Cards can only be played from your hand to the field during this phase.
- Playing an Energy Card to the field is called "Starting a Pile" of Energy.
- Playing an Energy Card over an empty Pile is called "Adding to a Pile" of Energy.
- You may play as many Piles of Energy Cards from your hand to the field.
- 1 Pile of Energy cannot exceed 3 Energy Cards, unless by the abilities of a Creature or a Symmetry Card.
- You can only re-arrange the Energy Cards you played in this turn in any order.
- You can add new Energy Cards to a previously played empty pile as long as it totals to 3 Energy Cards in a Pile.
- Energy Cards can't be added to a Pile that has a Creature on it.
- Energy Cards can't be moved or removed from a Pile that has a Creature on it.
- Energy Cards played on the previous turn cannot be moved or removed.
- Creature Cards can be played from your Hand onto empty Piles of Energy Cards in this Phase.
- Once a Creature Card is placed on a Pile of Energy, they cannot be moved to another pile or removed from the field. (Unless by the effects of Creatures and Symmetry Cards)
- Summoning Creatures are free and there is no "Summoning Cost"
- Creatures summoned do not have "Summoning Sickness"
- The number of Energy a Creature has determines the Creature's Damage/Health Points. Each Energy represents 1 Point.
- Starting from Turn 2, Players can begin attacking.
- Attacking is Optional and you may attack with any number of creatures in play.
- Each Creature may attack only once a turn.
- Turn Player will declare the current Attacker and the chosen Target. (No "Tapping" required)
- The Attacker and Target will then Battle by removing Energy Cards equal to number of the opposing Creature's Energy. Removed Energy Cards goes back to the Energy Deck.
- If a Creature runs out of Energy Cards, the Creature is destroyed and is sent to the Graveyard.
- As long as there are Creatures on your Opponent's side of the Field, you cannot attack the Opponent for his Life Points directly.
- You can't attack empty Piles of Energy on the field.
- The Battle ends and the next battle sequence begins.
- Signifies the end of your turn. Any active effects or abilities that lasts for a turn ends here and the next player begins his Draw Phase.
- When paying for Energy, you may pay Energy from your Hand, on a Blank Pile of Energy on the field or an Energy from a Creature.
- Energy is paid at the same time when the ability resolves.
- When an Energy is destroyed, discarded or leaves play, it goes back to your Energy Deck.
- When you run out of cards to draw from your deck, take all the cards in your Graveyard and shuffle it to reform your Main Deck.
- You only conduct a Deck Recycle if you need to Draw and there is no cards in your Main Deck.
- There is no penalty for Deck Recycle.
- Symmetry Cards trigger faster than Creatures' Abilities and can Respond to Creatures' Abilities.
- You may Respond to any Symmetry casted regardless if it is your Symmetry or your Opponent's Symmetry.
- Symmetry resolution starts from the latest played Symmetry to the first played Symmetry.
- At any point of Symmetry stack Resolution, you may play another Symmetry to respond before the next Symmetry begins to resolve, widening the Chain.
- When a Symmetry is resolving and the conditions are not met, (Eg. No cost present to pay, no Target or requirements not met) the Symmetry does not take effect and is sent to the Graveyard.
- If the target of the Symmetry card is gone, you may choose another valid target. If there is no valid target, the Symmetry does not take effect and is sent to the Graveyard.
- Both Players present their Harmony Rare Cards before the game commences.
- The Player that goes Second will decide if Harmony Rare Cards are allowed in play.
- If the Player that goes Second decides to play Harmony Rare, that Player may choose either their Harmony Rare or their Opponent's Harmony Rare Card to be in play.
- Only 1 Harmony Rare Card can be in play.
- Harmony Rare Card enters play in the "Eeventide Field" side of the Card before the start of the first turn.
- Harmony Rare Abilities affect both players.
- Each Player can Flip the Harmony Rare Card to its' Creature Side once per game.
- If the Creature Side is destroyed or leaves the field, it goes back to the "Eventide Field" side of the card.
For more Rules, please visit the Exodus TCG Official Page