UA23BT/AOT-1-053 SR アニ・レオンハート(女型の巨人)

Card Number: UA23BT/AOT-1-053 Card Name: Annie Leonhart (Female Titan)
Requred Energy: 5 Generated Energy: 1
Action Point: 1
Card Type: Character
Traits: 104th Cadet Corps / Marley's Warrior / Titan Inheritor BP: 4000

[Raid] <Annie Leonhart>

If in Front L When Raiding a [Traits: Marley's Warrior] from your hand, reduce the required energy of that card by 1 (Green)

(When Played) Play up to 1 Green chara card with required energy of 3 or less and 1 AP cost from your hand on your field in Rest

(When Retired) Return up to 1 of this chara's Raid source card to your hand

Trigger [RAID] Add this card to your hand or, if you meet its energy requirement, Raid it