UA10BT/MHA-1-038 R 天喰 環
Card Number: | UA10BT/MHA-1-038 | Card Name: | Amajiki Tamaki |
Requred Energy: | 4 |
Generated Energy: | 1 |
Action Point: | 1 |
Card Type: | Character |
Traits: | - |
BP: | 4000 |
Effects |
If there are 2 or more face down cards placed below this chara, this chara gains [2 Times Block] If there are 4 or more face down cards placed below this chara, this chara gains [2 Times Attack] (Activate Main) [1 per turn] Place 1 card from the top of your deck at the bottom of this card face down |
Trigger | [ACTIVE] Choose 1 chara in your field and put it to Active, it gets +3000BP during this turn |