UA09BT/BTR-1-077 R ロボコ

Card Number: UA05BT/KMY-1-077 Card Name: Roboco
Requred Energy: 2
Generated Energy: 1
Action Point: 1
Card Type: Character
Traits: -
BP: 2500+

(When Attacking) You may Rest any number of Active [Traits: Animals] in your field. If you did, this chara gains all of the following effects depending on the number of cards Rested
-1 or more: +500BP for each card Rested by this effect
-3 or more: [Impact 1]
-4 or more: [Damage 2]

Trigger [COLOR] Play 1 Green chara card with required energy of 2 and 1 AP cost from your hand on your field in Active