UA05BT/KMY-1-008 SR 竈門 炭治郎
Card Number: | UA05BT/KMY-1-008 | Card Name: | Kamado Tanjiro |
Requred Energy: | 4 |
Generated Energy: | 1 |
Action Point: | 1 |
Card Type: | Character |
Traits: | - |
BP: | 4000 |
Effects |
======================================== [Impact 1] (When Played) Add up to 1 <Kamado Nezuko> with required energy of 3 or less and 1 AP cost from your outside area to hand. Play up to 1 <Kamado Nezuko> with required energy of 3 or less and 1 AP cost on your field in Rest |
Trigger | [RAID] Add this card to hand, or if you meet the energy requirement, Raid it |