UA02BT/JJK-1-061 U 伏魔御廚子

Card Number: UA02BT/JJK-1-061 Card Name: Malevolent Shrine
Requred Energy: 4
Generated Energy: 1
Action Point: 1
Card Type: Field
Traits: -
BP: -

Play this Field in Active

(Activate Main) Rest This Choose 1 <Sukuna> in your field. During this turn, it gains all of the following effects depending on the number of <Sukuna's Finger> in your outside area
- 2 or more: [Damage 2]
- 3 or more: [Snipe]
- 4 or more: [Impact +1] 

([Snipe] You can target a chara in your opponent's Front L to attack, if targetted, your opponent cannot block)

Trigger [GET] Add this card to hand