UA01BT/CGH-1-026 U 無頼改

Card Number: UA01BT/CGH-1-026 Card Name: Burai Kai
Requred Energy: 3
Generated Energy: 1
Action Point: 1
Card Type: Character
Traits: The Order of the Black Knights / KMF BP: 3500

[RAID] [Traits: Four Holy Swords] / <Kyoushirou Toudou> Put to Active, you may move to Front L

(When Played) Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. Reveal up to 1 card with [Traits: Four Holy Swords] or 1 <Kyoushirou Toudou> or 1 <Gekka (Toudou Custom)> among them and add it to hand. Place the remaining cards to the bottom of your deck in any order

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