Shadowverse Evolve TCG - [BP-02] Black Silver Bahamut Singles - Items tagged as "Trading card game"
- For all singles order, please make payment within 1 hour of placing your order to reserve them for self collection.
- For shipping, please make immediate payment for us to process your shipping on the next following weekday.
- Please note that your order may be cancelled if payment is not made by the end of the day.
- Please check our Singles FAQ for more information
- SVE-BP02-049 BR 魔女の雷撃 $0.50
- SVE-BP02-050 BR マジカルストラテジー from $0.50
- SVE-BP02-051 BR 炎熱の術式 $0.20
- SVE-BP02-052 LG インペリアルドラグーン $2.00
- SVE-BP02-053 LG インペリアルドラグーン $2.00
- SVE-BP02-054 LG 竜呼びの笛 $3.00
- SVE-BP02-055 GR ネプチューン $1.00
- SVE-BP02-056 GR ネプチューン $1.00
- SVE-BP02-057 GR 竜の闘気 $1.00
- SVE-BP02-058 GR 連なる咆哮 $1.00
- SVE-BP02-059 SR ジークフリート $0.50
- SVE-BP02-060 SR ジークフリート $1.00
- SVE-BP02-061 SR 変異の巨竜 $0.50
- SVE-BP02-062 SR 竜巫女の儀式 from $0.50
- SVE-BP02-063 BR 荒牙の竜少女 $0.20
- SVE-BP02-064 BR ムシュフシュ $0.20
- SVE-BP02-065 BR ドラゴンテイマー $0.20
- SVE-BP02-066 BR ドラゴンテイマー $0.50
- SVE-BP02-067 BR ツインヘッドドラゴン $0.20
- SVE-BP02-068 BR ドラゴニックアーマー $0.20
- SVE-BP02-069 LG 吸血姫・ヴァンピィ Out of stock
- SVE-BP02-070 LG ラプラスの魔 ラプラス・ダークネス Out of stock
- SVE-BP02-071 LG ソウルディーラー Out of stock
- SVE-BP02-072 LG ソウルディーラー Out of stock