Dragon Ball Super Card Game - B15: Saiyan Showdown Singles
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DBSCG-BT15-075 SR Vegeta, Elite Resolve Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-078 UC Tien Shinhan, Confronting Invasion Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-079 R Chiaotzu, Confronting Invasion Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-080 R Yajirobe, Confronting Invasion Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-081 UC North Kai, Master's Guidance Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-083 UC Training Buddy Gregory Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-084 R Nappa, the Intimidator Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-085 R Nappa, On Guard Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-091 UC Son Gohan // Great Ape Son Gohan, Saiyan Impulse Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-092 UC Turles // Turles, Accursed Power Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-093 R Kaio-Ken Son Goku, Reclaiming Hope Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-095 SR Son Goku, A Gift from the Earth $5.00
DBSCG-BT15-096 SR Son Goku, Steadfast Assistance $5.00
DBSCG-BT15-097 UC Son Gohan, the Misadventure Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-100 SR Piccolo, Battle at the Tree $5.00
DBSCG-BT15-101 R Tien Shinhan & Chiaotzu, Battle at the Tree Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-102 UC Yamcha, Battle at the Tree Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-106 R Turles, Great Ape Manipulator Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-107 SR Turles, All Too Easy $0.00
DBSCG-BT15-110 R Daiz, Power of the Tree Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-111 R Cacao, Power of the Tree Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-112 UC Rasin, Power of the Tree Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-113 UC Lakasei, Power of the Tree Out of stock
DBSCG-BT15-117 UC Scout Out of stock