BS57-077 R Oracle Eleven, Over Justice

Name: Oracle Eleven, Over Justice

{Mirage} Cost 5(EETT) (This card can be set from your hand)
[While Set]
If you have a Spirit from the family: [Blade Insect], when both players summon/<<Radiant Descent>> a card without the family: [Subjugator], summon/<<Radiant Descent>> in a exhausted position.

[While Set]
Both players cannot increase their Life. In addition, if you have the Spirit containing the name: [The Justice], the cores on all your green/yellow Spirits from the family: [Unknown]/[Subjugator] cannot be reduced to less than 4 by opposing effects.

Send 1 opposing exhausted Spirit/Ultimate to the bottom of the deck.

Translations provided by World of Cards.