BS56-TX03 (A) Dragon Knight, Swordius Dragoon // (B) Dragon Knight Emperor, Gran-Dragonic Arthur


Name: Dragon Knight, Swordius Dragoon

Family: Origin/Evil Shadow/Dragon

[LV1](Rebirth)[When you have 5 counters or less (Rebirth cannot be used at the same time)]
When this Spirit is blocked by opposing Spirit(s) with 2 or more cores, you may flip this Spirit.

[LV1][LV2][LV3](When this Spirit attacks)
You can target attack 1 opposing Spirit with 2 or more cores.

[LV2][LV3](When this Spirit attacks)
If you have 2 or more counters, send 2 cores from opposing Spirit(s) to the Trash, if depleted, send 1 core from opponent's Life to the Trash.


Name: Dragon Knight Emperor, Gran-Dragonic Arthur

Family: Origin/Dragon/Evil Shadow

When this side is flipped up,it remains on the Field and your counter is +1 (Add 1 core from the Void to your Counter Area)

[LV1][LV2][LV3][LV4](When this Spirit attacks)
At the end of the battle, once per turn, refresh this Spirit and if you have 3 counters or more while braved, for each symbol on this Spirit, send 1 core from your opponent's Life to the Trash.

When your Spirits containing the name: [Dragon Knight]/[Dragon Knight Emperor] depletes/destroys an opposing Spirit/Ultimate, its' effects cannot be activated.

Translations provided by World of Cards.