BS56-017 TR (A) Valu Mask Baron, Adolphe // (B) Valu Mask Baron, Obsidian Demon Adolphe


Name: Valu Mask Baron, Adolphe

Family: Subjugator/Nightling

[LV1][LV2][LV3](When this Spirit attacks)
Destroy 1 opposing Spirit with 2 cores or less. In addition, if you have a blue Mirage set, you can deploy 1 purple/blue Nexus card of cost 3/4/5 in your Trash without paying the cost.

[LV1][LV2][LV3](Rebirth)[When you have 3 counters or less (Rebirth cannot be used at the same time)]
When opposing Spirit/Ultimate is depleted/destroyed, you may flip this Spirit. 


Name: Valu Mask Baron, Obsidian Demon Adolphe

Family: Subjugator/Nightling

When this side is flipped up,it remains on the Field and your counter is +1 (Add 1 core from the Void to your Counter Area)

[LV1][LV2][LV3](When this Spirit rebirths/attacks)
You can destroy 1 opposing Spirit with 3 cores or less, if destroyed, draw 1 card from your deck.

[LV2][LV3](During your Attack Step)
When your Spirits containing the name: [Valu Mask] did not deplete/destroy an opposing Spirit with its' [Core removal effects]/[Core count destroying effects], send 1 core other than the (Soul Core) from your opponent's Reserve to the Void. This effect cannot be repeated.