BS55-TX02(A) The Great Awakened Beast of Kamiumi, Ooyashima / (B) The Awakened Beast Emperor of Yomi, Yomotsu Ookami

Name: The Great Awakened Beast of Kamiumi, Ooyashima

Family: Herald/Avatar/Tree Sprite

[LV1][LV2](When this Spirit is summoned/attacks)
You may add 2 cores from the Void to this Spirit.

[LV1][LV2](Rebirth)[When you have 5 counters or less (Rebirth cannot be used at the same time)]
If this Spirit summons Spirit(s) by effect(s) or if this Spirit leaves the Field through your opponent, you may flip this Spirit.

[LV2](When this Spirit attacks)
You can summon 1 Spirit card from the family: [Spiritual Beast]/[Tree Sprite] in your hand. If this effect summoned a Spirit of cost 5 or more, send 1 core from your opponent's Life to the Reserve.


Name: The Awakened Beast Emperor of Yomi, Yomotsu Ookami

Family: Herald/Avatar/Spiritual Beast

When this side is flipped up,it remains on the Field and your counter is +1 (Add 1 core from the Void to your Counter Area)

[LV1][LV2](When this Spirit rebirths)
For every 2 cores on your Field, send 1 core from opposing Spirit(s)/Ultimate(s) to the Trash. This effect cannot be guarded by opposing effect(s).

When this Spirit leaves the Field through your opponent, you can return it back to your hand. At the end of the battle for this Spirit, send 1 core from your opponent's Life to the Trash.

Translations provided by World of Cards.