BS53-X04 X The ZeroRideEmpress Queen-Flawless

Game Academia


Name: The ZeroRideEmpress Queen-Flawless

Family: Origin/Rouse Emperor/Android

This card/Spirit on your Field/Trash/Removed Zone can't be returned to your hand/deck and can't be switched in places by either player's effects.

This card in your Hand is unaffected by opposing effects, and when you have three or more White-only "Primal" family cards in your Trash, you can summon it without paying the cost during the Flash Timing of the opposing Attack Step. When you've done so, during this turn, this Spirit is unaffected by opposing effects.

[LV2][LV3] (When Attacks/Blocks)

This Spirit gets +5000 BP, and once per turn, it can refresh.

Translations provided by Wiki.