BS53-063 TR (A) WBS Champion, Theofiras / (B) The Shell Mask Champion, Theofi Rider-WBS

WBS Champion, Theofiras

Family: Origin/Fighting Spirit

When the effect(s) of your Spirit(s) containing the name: [WBS]/card named: [GranWalker Lakshmi] discards this card from your hand, instead of sending it to the Trash, you may send it to your Opened Zone.

[LV1][LV2](When this Spirit is summoned)
If summoned from your Opened Zone, you can discard your opponent's hand. If you done so, your opponent draws 3 cards from the deck.

[LV2](Rebirth)[When you have 3 counters or less (Rebirth cannot be used at the same time)]
When this Spirit attacks, you may flip this Spirit.

Name: The Shell Mask Championg, Theofi Rider-WBS

Family: Origin/Shell Man

When this side is flipped up,it remains on the Field and your counter is +1 (Add 1 core from the Void to your Counter Area)

[LV1][LV2][LV3](When this Spirit rebirths/attacks)
During this turn, your opponent cannot activate Burst effect(s).

[LV2][LV3](Flash)(During your Attack Step)
Once per turn, you may heavy exhaust 1 opposing Spirit/Ultimate. This effect cannot be guarded by opposing Ultimate effect(s).
(Heavy exhausted cards are inverted and become exhausted when refreshed once)

Translations provided by World of Cards.