UA13BT/TKN-1-094 U ラッキークロエ
Card Number: | UA13BT/TKN-1-094 | Card Name: | Lucky Chloe |
Requred Energy: | 3 |
Generated Energy: | 2 |
Action Point: | 1 |
Card Type: | Character |
Traits: | G Corp | BP: | 3000 |
Effects |
(When Played) Draw 1 card, place 1 card face-down from your hand below this chara (Activate Main) [once per turn] Move 1 face-down card below this chara to below your other [Traits: G Corps] in your Front L |
Trigger | [ACTIVE] Choose 1 chara in your field and put it to Active, it gets +3000BP during this turn |