UA09BT/BTR-1-015 SR 円ちゅわ~ん

Game Academia


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Card Number: UA05BT/KMY-1-015 Card Name: Madoka Chuwa~n
Requred Energy: 4
Generated Energy: 1
Action Point: 1
Card Type: Character
Traits: -
BP: 4000±

[Raid] (Madoka Chuwa~n) Put to Active, can move to Front L

[Impact 1]

(When Attacking) Both you and your opponent reveals the top 1 card of your respective decks. Place the revealed card at the bottom of the deck. If the number of required energy of your revealed card is equal to or higher than the number of required energy of your opponent's revealed card, draw 1 card, this chara gets +1000BP during this turn. If the number of required energy of your revealed card is less than the number of required energy of your opponent's revealed card, this chara gets -1000BP during this turn


Trigger [RAID] Add this card to hand, or, if you meet its energy requirements, Raid it