UA02BT/JJK-1-098 U 不義遊戯

Game Academia


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Card Number: UA02BT/JJK-1-098 Card Name: Boogie Woogie
Requred Energy: 3
Generated Energy: -
Action Point: 1
Card Type: Event
Traits: -
BP: -
Effects Choose 1 chara with 5000BP or less in your opponent's Front L and place it at the bottom of their deck. Your opponent plays up to 1 chara card with required energy of 3 or less on their Front L in Rest. Charas played by this effect do not activate their (When Played) effects. If <Toudou Aoi> is in your field, draw 1 card
Trigger [SPECIAL] Choose 1 chara in your opponent's Front L and Retire it