DCG-EX5-070 SR Option X抗体PF

Game Academia


CARD S/N:  EX5-070 CARD NAME: X Antibody PF
CARD TYPE: X Antibody



OBTAINABLE FROM: Booster - Animal Colosseum EX-5

 While you have Digimon in play, you can use this card while igoring its colour requirements

[Security] Add this card to your hand

[Main] You can evolve 1 of your Digimon without [X Antibody] in its evolution sources into a Digimon card with [X Antibody] in its traits in your hand at 1 less evo cost. If you did, place this card at the bottom of that Digimon's evolution sources

EVO SOURCE EFFECT [Security] When this card would leave the battle area other than by your own effects, from this Digimon's evolution sources, return 1 Digimon card to your hand, and place 1 [X Antibody] at the top of your Security