DCG-BT16-024 U LV5 ホーリーエンジェモン
CARD S/N: | BT16-024 | CARD NAME: | HolyAngemon / MagnaAngemon |
CARD TYPE: | Archangel |
STAGE: | Perfect |
PLAY COST: | 6 |
ATTRIBUTE: | Vaccine |
EVO COST: | 3 |
DP: | 6000 |
Booster - Beginning Observer BT-16 |
([Evolve] [Angemon]: Cost 3) [When Played] [When Evolving] If it is your turn, look at all of your Security. This Digimon can evolve into a Digimon card with [Angel]/[Three Great Angels] in its traits among them at 2 reduced evo cost. Then, shuffle your security. If evolved by this effect, you can place 1 Digimon card with [Angel]/[Archangel]/[Three Great Angels] in its traits at the bottom of your Security |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | [Opponent's Turn] All of your Digimon with [Angel]/[Archangel]/[Three Great Angels] in their traits gain <Blocker> |