DCG-BT11-064 C LV4 グレイモンX抗体
CARD S/N: | BT11-064 | CARD NAME: | グレイモンX抗体 |
CARD TYPE: | Dinosaur / X Antibody |
STAGE: | Adult |
PLAY COST: | 5 |
ATTRIBUTE: | Virus |
EVO COST: | 3 (From Black/Red LV3) |
DP: | 6000 |
OBTAINABLE FROM: | Booster - Dimensional Phase BT-11 |
[Evolve: 0 from [Greymon]] [Your Turn] When this Digimon would evolve into a card with [Greymon] in its name, reduce the evolution cost by 1 for each colour that card has |
EVO SOURCE EFFECT | [Both Turns] When this Digimon with [Greymon] or [Omegamon] in its name would be destroyed or returned to hand or deck by effects, by returning 1 [X Antibody] from the this Digimon's evolution sources to the bottom of your deck, this Digimon is not destroyed or returned to hand or deck |