BS52-XX02 XX SCR The Three Wise Deity, Larvandad

Game Academia


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The Three Wise Deity, Larvandad

Family: Origin/Three Wise Deity

When your counters increases to 2 or more, and during this turn you did not summon a [The Three Wise Deity] Spirit, you can pay 1 cost to summon this card from your hand. If you done so, draw 1 card from your deck and add 1 core from the Void to your Spirit.

This Spirit's symbol is also treated as red/purple/green/white/yellow/blue. In addition, If your handsize is 6 or less, your hand is unaffected by any opposing effects.

[LV3](When this Spirit attacks)
If you have 5 or more counters, send 1 core from your opponent's life to the Void. 

Translations provided by World Of Cards.